meet the dreamer

Hey there, you've stumbled upon the quirky mind behind this entrepreneurial adventure! I'm Jessa, and I've got a serious knack for helping small businesses thrive. Picture this: I've always believed that quality doesn't have to break the bank. That's why I've made it my mission to curate a treasure trove of top-notch, wallet-friendly products that'll knock your socks off. Whether it's sourcing the latest gizmos or timeless classics, I'm your go-to gal for a little retail therapy that won't send your budget into a tailspin.

♡ Jessa


It's what WE dream ABOUT... so why not MAKE it HAPPEN!


At the heart of it all, what truly fuels my passion is the profound belief that the Self Made Podcast can be a beacon of light in the entrepreneurial universe. It's my deepest aspiration that this podcast isn't just a source of inspiration but a lifeline for all the daring dreamers out there. I hope that each episode doesn't just educate but elevates, that it doesn't just motivate but brings a touch of magic to your daily hustle.

May the stories shared here be the spark that ignites your own journey towards self-made success. May they provide the guidance and camaraderie you need when you're navigating the labyrinth of business ownership. Ultimately, my dream is that Self Made doesn't just enrich your business but enriches your life, bringing joy, fulfillment, and a sense of endless possibilities. Thank you for joining me on this wild ride – together, let's make each episode a stepping stone on the path to your own self-made legacy.

Nurturing the self-made journey, from humble roots to soaring heights, we thrive in crafting our own destiny...

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